Weights & Measures
The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) inspects all commercial scales and measuring devices to confirm that they are accurate, making sure that customers get what they are paying for.
About this Program
Georgia's regulatory authority for weights and measures was originally issued by Congress in 1781 under the Articles of Confederation, which mandated each state maintain uniformity in weight and measure standards.
Apart from inspecting scales and other measuring devices, we also license scale mechanics, certified public weighers, moisture meter operators.
See our Fuel & Measures FAQ for more information.
Becoming a Scale Mechanic
If you want to become a licensed Scale Mechanic, you will need to submit your registration packet to GDA using the contact information below. This packet includes a test of your knowledge. Please review carefully and make sure to include your test answers in the documentation you send to us.
You will also need to have your equipment (weight sets) calibrated by the State Fuel Oil Lab.
Scale Mechanic Registration Packet
License Types
Licenses for this Program
Licenses for this Program
Laws & Regulations
Laws and Regulations
Laws and Regulations
Contact Us
Fuel & Measures Office
fuel@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (404) 656-3605 Fax: (404) 656-9648